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12 September 2016

Good to Great by Jim Collins

If you go to any personal or business development seminars, this book is almost always quoted. Have you heard of the BHAG (Big Hairy Audacious Goal)? This is where the phrase was termed. There are also some insightful and thought provoking research results discussed about the importance of people, culture and leadership in building a business that goes beyond its comfort zone to become something great AND sustainable over the long term. Lets take a look at some of the key insights Jim Collins provides, as well as some notes.

Category : Book reviews


25 February 2016

Creating True Prosperity by Shakti Gawain

The author in this book beautifully encapsulates some concepts that I have presented on before. For me, prosperity is a much wider concept than wealth. To prosper is to be thriving in all aspects of your life, including monetary but also health, relationships and experiences.

Category : Book reviews